
Category Archive for: ‘School News’
Scholastic Book Fair

We held our annual Book Fair from 3rd – 10th March. It was open to parents and the children to browse around or purchase books.

First Confession

Congratulations to the Second Class children on making their First Confession in Church of the Ascension Gortanumera. 

Pottery Classes

The children did a six course on pottery. They learned about the importance of keying the clay to make it stick. They made and decorated lots of clay items.

Pancake Tuesday

Each year the teachers prepare pancakes and bring them into the school for Pancake Tuesday.  We look forward to it and love putting our favourite toppings on our Pancakes!! 


This year we had a visit from our local Hurling G.A.A. Club. They spoke to us about the importance of sport and work.  We were delighted to have them visit us.

Another little visitor!!

Senan and Maeve kindly brought in their adorable puppy “Cooper” for us to see. He was as good as gold and was a very welcome visitor to the school.

Grandparents Day

Each year the children invite their grandparents to the school.  It is our way of saying Thank You for all the wonderful things you do.  The children have a prayer service, followed by a chat, tea and biscuits and a few songs.   It is a very special day and one which we look forward …
