Scoil Mhuire Primary School is a Catholic Primary School which strives to provide a well ordered, happy and secure atmosphere where the self-esteem of each child will be enhanced and the educational, spiritual, moral and cultural needs of each child identified and developed with compassion, enthusiasm and due regard for the child’s individuality. We wish to create a safe and happy learning environment where Christian values and ethics are practised and where each student receives building blocks for life.

At Scoil Mhuire we want to provide a positive, happy and safe place where each student can reach his/her full potential.

To foster a caring environment in which the needs of the individual child is considered at all times.

To promote self-worth and self-esteem in each child.

To foster the practice of Christian values at school, in home and in society.

To create in each student a spirit of tolerance and respect for others’ rights and beliefs.