The school gate area is not a parking or stopping place.
You are asked to park safely when dropping and collecting children. It is potentially dangerous for children as they may be unaware of the dangers of passing traffic. We appreciate your co-operation with this request.
School Day
School begins at 9:20am and finishes at for junior and senior infant classes. All other classes finish at 3.00pm. Please ensure children are collected promptly at these times. Parents/ guardians must collect and drop off children in the yard. For safety purposes, children should not be dropped off too early or left alone at the gate in the mornings.
Medication and Inhalers
Children who need to take medication or inhalers during the school day are required to have them clearly labelled and include the prescribed dose. The school requires a signed policy to be kept on file and will only apply the dose as prescribed by a medical doctor.
At times parents/guardians may wish to discuss concerns or school issues with staff or the class teacher and the school is open to arranging meetings to accommodate parents and guardians.